

  • Normal distribution
  • Population Percentages
  • Empirical Rule
  • Normal curve
  • Mean
  • Standard deviation


Students know:
From a normal distribution,
  • Techniques to find the mean and standard deviation of data sets using technology.
  • Techniques to use calculators, spreadsheets, and standard normal distribution tables to estimate areas under the normal curve.


Students are able to:
  • From a normal distribution, accurately find the mean and standard deviation of data sets using technology.
  • Make reasonable estimates of population percentages from a normal distribution.
  • Read and use normal distribution tables and use calculators and spreadsheets to accurately estimate the areas under a normal curve.


Students understand that:
Under appropriate conditions,
  • The mean and standard deviation of a data set can be used to fit the data set to a normal distribution.
  • Population percentages can be estimated by areas under the normal curve using calculators, spreadsheets, and standard normal distribution tables.