

  • Area
  • volume
  • Surface area
  • Two-dimensional figures
  • Three-dimensional solids
  • Triangles
  • quadrilaterals
  • polygons
  • Cubs
  • Right rectangular prisms


Students know:
  • That volume of any right prism is the product of the height and area of the base.
  • The volume relationship between pyramids and prisms with the same base and height.
  • The surface area of prisms and pyramids can be found using the areas of triangular and rectangular faces.


Students are able to:
  • Find the area and perimeter of two-dimensional objects composed of triangles, quadrilaterals, and polygons.
  • Use a net of a three-dimensional figure to determine the surface area.
  • Find the volume and surface area of pyramids, prisms, or three-dimensional objects composed of cubes, pyramids, and right prisms.


Students understand that:
  • Two-dimensional and three-dimensional figures can be decomposed into smaller shapes to find the area, surface area, and volume of those figures.
  • The area of the base of a prism multiplied by the height of the prism gives the volume of the prism.
  • The volume of a pyramid is 1/3 the volume of a prism with the same base.