

  • Variable
  • Equation
  • Non-negative rational numbers


Students know:
  • Correct translation between verbally stated situations and mathematical symbols and notation.
  • How to write and solve a simple equation using non-negative rational numbers to solve mathematical and real-world problems.


Students are able to:
  • Translate fluently between verbally stated situations and algebraic models of the situation.
  • Use inverse operations and properties of equality to produce solutions to equations of the forms x + p = q or px = q.
  • Use logical reasoning and properties of equality to justify solutions, reasonableness of solutions, and solution paths.


Students understand that:
  • Variables may be unknown values that we wish to find.
  • The solution to the equation is a value for the variable which, when substituted into the original equation, results in a true mathematical statement.
  • A symbolic representation of relevant features of a real-world problem can provide for resolution of the problem and interpretation of the situation.
  • The structure of mathematics present in the properties of the operations and equality can be used to maintain equality while rearranging equations, as well as justify steps in the solutions of equations.