

  • Volume
  • Unit cube
  • Rectangular prism
  • Base
  • Base-area
  • Dimensions
  • Face
  • Length
  • Width
  • Height
  • Layers
  • Edge
  • Equivalent
  • Conservation of volume
  • Attribute
  • Composition
  • Decomposition
  • Formula


Students know:
  • Measurable attributes of area and how it relates to finding the volume of objects.
  • Units of measurement for volume, specifically unit cubes.


Students are able to:
  • Solve word problems involving volume.
  • Use associative property of multiplication to find volume.
  • Relate operations of multiplication and addition to finding volume.
  • Apply formulas to find volume of right rectangular prisms.
  • Find volume of solid figures composed of two rectangular prisms.


Students understand that:
  • Volume is a derived attribute based on a length unit and can be computed as the product of three length measurements or as the product of one base area and one length measurement.
  • Volume is an extension of area and can be found as the area of the base being repeated for a given number of layers.