

  • Fraction
  • Benchmark fraction
  • Denominator
  • Fraction model
  • Estimate
  • Reasonableness
  • Equation
  • Unlike denominator
  • Unlike units


Students know:
  • The meaning and magnitude of fractions expressed in units of halves, fourths, eighths, thirds, sixths, twelfths, fifths, tenths, and hundredths.
  • Strategies to find sums of two or more fractions with like denominators.
  • Strategies to find the difference of two fractions with like denominators.
  • How to decompose a fraction greater than 1 and express as a mixed number.
    Example: 7/3 = 3/3 + 3/3 + 1/3 = 2 1/3.


Students are able to:
  • Solve real-word problems involving addition and subtraction of fractions with unlike denominators.
  • Represent problems using fraction models or equations.
  • Assess reasonableness of answers using estimation and benchmark fractions.


Students understand that:
  • solving word problems involving addition and subtraction of fractions with unlike units
  • Require strategies to find equivalent fractions in a common unit, and the sum or difference will be expressed in the common unit.
  • Can be assessed for reasonableness of answers using estimation strategies.