

  • Quantitative variables
  • Scatter plot
  • Residuals


Students know:
  • Techniques for creating a scatter plot,
  • Techniques for fitting linear functions to data.
  • Methods for using residuals to judge the closeness of the fit of the linear function to the original data.


Students are able to:
  • Accurately create a scatter plot of data.
  • Make reasonable assessments on the fit of the function to the data by examining residuals.
  • Accurately fit a function to data when there is evidence of a linear association.
  • Use technology to find the least-squares line of best fit for two quantitative variable.


Students understand that:
  • Functions are used to create equations representative of ordered pairs of data.
  • Residuals may be examined to analyze how well a function fits the data.
  • When a linear association is suggested, a linear function can be fit to the scatter plot to aid in modeling the relationship.