- Images
- Sound
- Animation
- Expression
- Collaborative
- Digital texts
- Multimodal texts
- Purpose
- Tone
- Intended audience
- Intended occasion
Students know:
- Necessary skills to include images, sound, animations, and other modes of expression in digital and multimodal texts.
- Collaboration skills.
- The intended audience and occasion should be identified before selecting a purpose and tone for digital or multimodal texts.
Students are able to:
- Work independently or collaboratively to use images, sound, animation, and other modes of expression to create or enhance digital and multimodal texts.
- Work independently or collaboratively to create digital or multimodal texts that are suitable in purpose and tone for their intended audience and occasion.
Students understand that:
- Digital texts can be used to communicate with a variety of audiences and occasions.
- They should modify the purpose and tone of their digital texts depending on the audience and occasion.
- They will frequently collaborate with others to develop digital products in school and in the workplace.
- Images, sounds, animation, and other modes of expression can enhance digital and multimodal texts.