

  • Report
  • Topic
  • Text
  • Recount
  • Appropriate facts
  • Relevant details
  • Descriptive details
  • Main ideas
  • Themes
  • Volume
  • Pacing
  • Pronunciation


Students know:
  • One way to share information is through oral presentations.
  • Oral presentations should be organized, have a main idea or theme, and include relevant, descriptive details and facts that support the key point.
  • Speakers should orally present in a volume loud enough for the audience to hear, at an understable pace, and with correct speech pronunciation.


Students are able to:
  • Orally report in response to a topic or text, to tell a story, or to describe a personal experience.
  • Create an oral report that is organized, and includes relevant, descriptive facts and details that support the main idea or theme.
  • Speak at an adequate volume and appropriate pace and use proper pronunciation when presenting an oral report.


Students understand that:
  • An effective oral presentation requires an organized structure and uses relevant facts and details to support the key idea.
  • An effective speaker presents with a voice that can be heard by the audience, a speaking pace that can be understood by the audience, and proper pronunciation of words.