

  • Visual aids
  • Technology
  • Key ideas
  • Key details
  • Visual displays
  • Recount of experiences
  • Clarify
  • Oral presentations


Students know:
  • Visual aids or technology can help others better understand the key ideas and details of an oral presentation.
  • Drawings and visual displays can help clarify thoughts, feelings, and ideas when presenting orally.


Students are able to:
  • Orally describe key ideas and details about a text, conversation, or personal experience.
  • Use visual aids and technology in oral presentations to present key ideas and details about a text or conversation.
  • Add drawings or other visual displays to stories or recounts of experiences to clarify thoughts, feelings, and ideas.


Students understand that:
  • Visual aids and technology can help others understand the key ideas and details of their oral presentations.
  • They can clarify their thoughts, feelings, and ideas by including drawings or other visual displays in their oral presentations.