Learning Resource Type

Learning Activity

Interpreting Rhetorical Style Part 2

Subject Area

English Language Arts




In this activity, the student will evaluate the author's rhetorical style in two paragraphs to interpret the author's intended answer to the final question of the text:  Which came out of the door, the lady, or the tiger? Students will work in groups to complete t-charts and discussion questions to interpret the character's reaction to two scenarios stated in the text.

This activity results from the ALEX Resource Development Summit.

    English Language Arts (2021) Grade(s): 11


    Interpret how an author’s grammar and rhetorical style contribute to the meaning in both fiction, including poetry and prose, and nonfiction, including historical, business, informational, and workplace documents.

    Unpacked Content



    • Grammar
    • Rhetorical style
    • Fiction
    • Poetry
    • Prose
    • Nonfiction
    • Historical documents
    • Business documents
    • Informational documents
    • Workplace documents


    Students know:
    • Methods to identify an author's particular rhetorical style.
    • Formal, standard English conventions and their usage in a variety of text genres.
    • Authors choose to use particular grammar and rhetorical style in writing to convey the meaning of the text.


    Students are able to:
    • Interpret how an author's grammar use contributes to text's meaning in multiple genres.
    • Interpret how an author's rhetorical style contributes to the meaning of the text in multiple genres.


    Students understand that:
    • An author's grammar and rhetorical style affect the meaning of different texts.


    Learning Objectives

    Learning Objectives

    The student will evaluate the rhetorical style used in two paragraphs of Frank R. Stockton's short story "The Lady, or the Tiger?" to interpret the author's intended answer to the final question of the text:  Which came out of the door, the lady, or the tiger?

    Activity Details

    1.  The teacher will complete a guided reading of Frank R. Stockton's short story "The Lady, or the Tiger?"

    2.  The teacher will place students into cooperative learning groups. This activity is best completed with only two to three group members so that proper discussion of and completion of the graphic organizers can occur.

    3.  The teacher will distribute a copy of the Interpreting Rhetorical Style in "The Lady, or the Tiger?" worksheet to each member of each group.

    4.  The teacher will inform the students they have 40 minutes to work with their group members to complete the worksheet.

    5.  The teacher will monitor the group discussions and answer group questions during the 40-minute work session.

    6.  The students will work cooperatively with group members to evaluate the diction and sentence structure of two paragraphs in "The Lady, or the Tiger?" to interpret the meaning of the main character's decision in the short story.

    7.  The students will submit the worksheet to the teacher at the end of the 40-minute work session.

    Assessment Strategies

    Assessment Strategies

    1.  The teacher will grade the worksheet using the point values established for each question on the worksheet.

    2.  Each section of the graphic organizer is worth 4 points. Each answer to a question is worth 3 points. The total point value for the assignment is 50 points.

    Approximate Duration

    Total Duration

    46 to 60 Minutes

    Related Learning Activities

    Learning Activity (During)

    Learning Activity (After)

    Background and Preparation

    Background / Preparation

    1.  The teacher will need to provide students with a copy of the short story "The Lady, or the Tiger?" by Frank R. Stockton to use during the whole class reading.  A digital copy can be found at http://pinkmonkey.com/dl/library1/digi506.pdf.

    2.  The teacher will need to prepare group assignments for each student in the classroom. This activity works best with two to three members per group.

    3.  The teacher will need to prepare copies of the Interpreting Rhetorical Strategy in "The Lady, or the Tiger?" Worksheet. If the teacher is distributing digital copies of the worksheet, the worksheet will need to be uploaded into the appropriate learning system (Schoology, Google Classroom, etc.) prior to the start of class.

    Digital Tools / Resources