Learning Resource Type

Learning Activity

Comparing Amounts

Subject Area





This Google Slide Show activates student thinking about comparing quantities. The slides help students understand the wording for comparing quantities multiplicatively.

This activity results from the ALEX Resource Development Summit.

    Mathematics (2019) Grade(s): 4


    Interpret and write equations for multiplicative comparisons.

    Unpacked Content



    • Multiplicative comparison
    • Multiplier
    • Equation
    • Times as many
    • Times as much
    • Verbal statement
    • Factor
    • Product
    • Quantity
    • Multiple
    • Scale factor


    Students know:
    • How to write an equation to represent a word situation.
    • Which quantity is being multiplied and which factor is telling how many times.
    • Varied language that describes multiplicative comparisons.


    Students are able to:
    • Interpret equations for multiplicative comparisons.
    • Write equations for multiplicative comparisons.


    Students understand that:
    • Multiplicative comparisons relate the size of two quantities and a scale factor.
    • Factors in multiplication problems have different roles from each other in the context of comparison problems.
    • Explanations and drawings show ways multiplicative comparisons are similar to and different from equal groups and arrays.


    Learning Objectives

    Learning Objectives

    The student will be able to use verbal statements to describe multiplicative comparisons and write a multiplication equation that represents the statement.

    Activity Details

    The teacher will project the Google Slide Show to the whole group.

    1. Show slide 1 (title slide). Ask the students, "How do we compare amounts? For example, can someone compare the number of boys to girls in this class?"
    2.  Ask students to turn and talk with a peer to come up with a statement that describes the relationship of boys to girls in terms of quantity. Let students share their responses.
    3. Show slide two. Ask the students to look at the pictures of donuts. Say, "Who has more donuts? Can you use multiplication to compare the amounts?" Have students note the sentence starter: Carol has ____ times as many donuts than Jane.
    4. Let students share their responses, explaining their thinking.
    5. Show slide 3. Ask students to think back to the sentence starter on slide two. Ask students to make a comparison of the quantities of donuts in the two pictures.
    6. Allow students to respond.
    Assessment Strategies

    Assessment Strategies

    Check student work at the conclusion of the activity to assess their understanding. You can use the following guidelines to ensure students meet the learning objective.

    Check that the student:

    1. understood making a comparison multiplicatively.
    2. got the correct answer.

    Variation Tips

    This task can be used as a stand-alone activity or in conjunction with The Food Drive (during activity) and Picture This! (after activity).

    Background and Preparation

    Background / Preparation

    The teacher will need a copy of the Google Slide Show and a projector to show the slides. 

    Digital Tools / Resources