Create musical ideas for a specific purpose.
Create musical ideas for a specific purpose.
Unpacked Content
- Quarter note, quarter rest, paired eighth notes
- Strong/ weak beat
- Steady beat/ rhythm
- Allegro/ adagio
- Pitch set: Mi, So, La
- Steps/ skips/ repeated notes
- Melodic direction
- Modified staff
- Line notes and space notes
- Rhythmic ostinati
- Simple bordun
- Legato, staccato
- Piano (p), forte (f)
- Classroom instrument classifications
- Clarinet, trombone, cello, drum
- Orchestral music: ballet
- Non-Western music celebrations
- Proper singing posture
- Age-appropriate pitch matching (C4 -C5)1
- Mallet/ drumming technique — hands together
Essential Questions
EQ: How do musicians generate creative ideas?
Skills Examples
- Perform original rhythmic compositions containing quarter note, quarter rest, paired eighth notes.
- Perform original melodic compositions containing quarter note, quarter rest, paired eighth notes and using the pitches mi/so/la.
- Improvise 4-beat melodic phrases containing mi/so/la, both vocally and on pitched percussion instruments.
- Construct 4-beat rhythmic patterns using manipulatives, such as note cards, popsicle sticks, or blocks.
- Read 4-beat melodic phrases on a modified staff on which mi is indicated.
- Notate from dictation 4-beat rhythm phrases using manipulatives such as note cards, popsicle sticks, or blocks.
- Identify melodic patterns on a modified staff when played on a pitched instrument.
- Create rubric for evaluation of peer compositions.
- With guidance, apply peer suggestions to personal compositions. Select an original composition for performance.