Learning Resource Type

Learning Activity

Algorithms and Sequencing

Subject Area

Digital Literacy and Computer Science
English Language Arts




In this learning activity, students will participate in a partner guided “obstacle course” to simulate computer programming. Next, students will discuss how a common activity (making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich) requires steps and how the steps can be written as an algorithm. Next, students will take the steps and put them in paragraph form using transition words in relation to sequencing. Last, students will complete a lesson on code.org that requires them to write an algorithm.

This activity was created as a result of the DLCS COS Resource Development Summit. 

    Digital Literacy and Computer Science (2018) Grade(s): 2


    Create an algorithm for other learners to follow.

    Unpacked Content



    • sequence


    Students know:
    • the sequence of events for a tasks are important.
    • sequence of events may be read and interpreted by other people or machines.


    Students are able to:
    • develop a sequence of events for a task that others can follow.


    Students understand that:
    • a task can be broken down into a sequence of smaller events or steps.
    English Language Arts (2021) Grade(s): 2


    Write informative or explanatory texts, introducing the topic, providing facts and relevant details to develop points, and providing a conclusion.

    Unpacked Content



    • Informative text
    • Explanatory text
    • Topic
    • Facts
    • Relevant details
    • Develop
    • Points
    • Conclusion


    Students know:
    • Informative or explanatory text is a piece of writing that provides factual information.
    • Informative or explanatory text begins by introducing the topic, provides facts and relevant details, and ends with a conclusion.


    Students are able to:
    • Write an informative or explanatory text.
    • Write an informative or explanatory text that begins with introducing the topic, provides facts and details about the topic, and ends with a conclusion.


    Students understand that:
    • Informative or explanatory writing follows a predictable text structure that includes introducing the topic, providing facts or additional details about the topic, and ends with a conclusion.
    • Informative or explanatory writing can be used to tell facts about a topic.


    Learning Objectives

    Learning Objectives

    The students will write at least one algorithm on code.org.

    The students will create one algorithm for other learners to follow on code.org.

    The students will write an explanatory paragraph that shows sequencing through developed points that connect further explain the algorithm process.

    Activity Details

    1. Write the word "Algorithm" on the board. Tell the students that an algorithm is a list of steps that you follow to complete a task. 

    2. Ask the class for volunteers. Choose two students. Put one student at one end of the room, the other student at another end of the room, and place a few obstacles (trash can, chair, etc.) in between them.

    3. Blindfold one student (the computer) and tell the other student that he/she is the programmer. The programmer must give the computer a list of steps to follow (write an algorithm) to reach the programmer. As the programmer gives instructions, the computer must follow them exactly. If the programmer isn't precise, then the computer has a bug and must restart. 

    4. After the computer has reached the programmer, have the students sit down. The teacher should write the list of steps that the computer completed. Explain that those steps are an algorithm. The computer could not think on its own. It had to complete the algorithm, and if there was a wrong step, the computer had a bug. That step needed to be removed and replaced with the correct step for the computer to complete the task.

    5. Tell the students that we are going to think about a common activity that requires a list of steps to complete. Ask students how to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

    6. Have students raise their hands as they give the explicit steps to complete how to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Write the steps on the board by numbering them. Make sure they include every detail such as "pick up the knife", etc.

    7. Next, share with the students that an algorithm, a list of steps, is like sequencing in our writing and reading. There are transition words that help a writer such as next, last, furthermore, after, etc. 

    8. Model for students how to write a paragraph using the sentences from the algorithm and the transition words to create a paragraph that explains how to create a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Include a topic sentence and a concluding sentence. 

    9. Have the students write the paragraph along with you to record in their writers' notebook as an example of a sequencing paragraph/algorithm.

    10. Tell the students they are now going to create algorithms on the computer. Remind students that an algorithm is a list of steps that you follow to complete a task. In this lesson, students will create a list of steps on code.org that an angry bird must take to reach a green pig. 

    11. Students will write at least one algorithm on code.org or as many as time allows. 

    Assessment Strategies

    Assessment Strategies

    At the conclusion of the activity, the teacher can check for the students' understanding of the stated learning objectives by:

    1. asking students to define and give an example of an algorithm.

    2. having students write a paragraph in as a whole group, focusing on sequencing events.

    3. having students create an algorithm in code.org.

    Variation Tips

    This activity may be split into two lessons as time demands. 

    Background and Preparation

    Background / Preparation

    Enroll students in Course C of code.org.

    Print out the picture password cards and show students their passwords prior to the lesson. Show students how to log in to the code.org site prior to the lesson.

    Have enough Chromebooks available for each student with a link to code.org's specific URL attached to the class that the teacher enrolled bookmarked for easy access for students. 


    Digital Tools / Resources