Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

So You've Just Got Your First Ukulele?

Subject Area

Arts Education


4, 5


This mini-book includes several tips to help a beginning ukulele player.  It includes chords, strumming patterns, and links to ukulele demonstration videos. 

    Arts Education (2017) Grade(s): 4 - Music


    Read and perform with increased fluency, using iconic and/or standard notation.

    Unpacked Content



    • Conducting patterns in
    • Syncopation
    • Pitch set: Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, Ti
    • Treble clef reading (La, So, Mi, Re, Do)
    • Middle C through High B
    • Create melodic sequences
    • Half-step
    • Whole step
    • Canons
    • Chord components
    • Chord progression (I, V)
    • Crossover bordun
    • Phrasing: antecedent and consequent
    • D.C. al coda
    • Fine
    • pp through ff
    • Age-appropriate audience and performer etiquette
    • Orchestra instruments within the 4 families
    • Age-appropriate pitch matching (A3-E5)

    Essential Questions

    EU: Analyzing creators' context and how they manipulate elements of music provides insight into their intent and informs performance.
    EQ: How does understanding the structure and context of musical works inform performance?

    Skills Examples

    • Sing, move and respond to music from world cultures and different composers.
    • Sing a varied repertoire with accurate rhythm, pitch and expressive qualities individually and with others.
    • With limited guidance, Improvise and compose short compositions using a variety of classroom instruments and sound sources.
    Reading/ Writing
    • Read, write and perform using rhythm patterns that include syncopated rhythms, in 2/4, 3/4 and 4/4 meter.
    Responding/ Evaluating
    • Use the head voice to produce a light, clear sound employing breath support and maintaining appropriate posture.
    • Use student developed criteria to critique their own performances and the performances of others.

    Anchor Standards

    Anchor Standard 4: Select, analyze, and interpret artistic work for presentation.
    Arts Education (2017) Grade(s): 5 - Music


    When analyzing selected music, read and perform using standard notation.

    Unpacked Content



    • Pitch set: Do-centered diatonic
    • Treble clef reading (choral octavos)
    • Grand staff
    • Bass clef
    • Accidentals
    • Major scale
    • Part singing/ playing
    • Chord progression (I, IV, V)
    • Arpeggio
    • Descant
    • Level bordun
    • Rondo form
    • 12-Bar blues
    • Vibrato
    • Tremolo
    • Reggae
    • Blues
    • Timbre: soprano, alto, tenor, bass
    • Age-appropriate audience and performer etiquette
    • Age-appropriate pitch matching (Ab3-F5)

    Essential Questions

    EU: Analyzing creators' context and how they manipulate elements of music provides insight into their intent and informs performance.
    EQ: How does understanding the structure and context of musical works inform performance?

    Skills Examples

    • Sing a varied repertoire with accurate rhythm and pitch, appropriate expressive qualities, proper posture and breath control.
    • Sing intervals on pitch within a major diatonic scale.
    • Perform melodies on recorder while reading standard and/or iconic music notation.
    • Perform, on instruments, a varied repertoire with accurate rhythm and pitch, appropriate expressive qualities, proper posture and breath control.
    • Sing partner songs to create harmony.
    • Sight-read and prepare a performance.
    • Demonstrate appropriate use of legato and staccato in a song.
    • Create a personal playlist and explain why each piece was selected.
    • Improvise, compose and arrange music.
    • Use technology and the media arts to create and perform music.
    Reading/ Writing
    • Read, write, and perform rhythms in 2/4, 3/4.
    • 4/4. and 6/8 meter signatures using whole notes through sixteenth notes, including dotted notes.
    • Read, write and perform diatonic melodies and the major scale on the treble clef staff.
    • Identify tempo markings such as allegro, presto, largo, and andante.
    • Identify ledger-line notes A, B, and C above the treble clef staff.
    • Identify whole and half steps of the major diatonic scale in printed music.
    • Recognize the difference between major and minor tonalities.
    • Write program notes to accompany performances.
    Responding/ Evaluating
    • Discuss melodic and harmonic elements used in a piece of music.
    • Explain how a performer performs a piece of music differently when he/she knows the social, cultural, or historical background of the piece, (e.g., How does knowing the history of the American Civil Rights Movement affect the performance of "We Shall Overcome?"
    • Demonstrate appropriate audience etiquette at live performances.
    • Write performance reviews of performances.

    Anchor Standards

    Anchor Standard 4: Select, analyze, and interpret artistic work for presentation.
    Link to Resource

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    Informational Material

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    Ukulele Hunt

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