Travel by:
Using various pathways.
Demonstrating various levels.
Travel by:
Using various pathways.
Demonstrating various levels.
This is a chasing and tagging game where students are focused on practicing being kind to others. Additionally, students will work on spatial awareness, balance, and moving using different types of pathways.
Travel by:
Using various pathways.
Demonstrating various levels.
In general space with varying speeds.
Attempting directionality concepts.
Share equipment and space with peers.
Demonstrate moving in personal and general space while maintaining self-control, in response to designated class expectations.
Actively engage in physical education class.
Acknowledge personal responsibility by using equipment and space safely and appropriately while following the rules and boundaries of the learning environment.
Work in a variety of class environments with moderate supervision.
Apply the concept of personal and general space during class activities.
Integrate shapes, levels, and pathways into simple movement sequences.
Actively engage in physical education class in response to instruction and practice.
Work in a variety of class environments with minimum supervision.
Describe the positive social interactions that come when engaging with others in physical activity.