Use different bases of support to maintain momentary stillness.
Use different bases of support to maintain momentary stillness.
This website identifiies 4 technology based resources that a teacher could use to enhance their gymnastics unit.
Use different bases of support to maintain momentary stillness.
Attempt to create wide, narrow, curled, and twisted body shapes by curling and stretching.
Attempt to transfer weight from one body part to another:
Maintain stillness on different bases of support with different body shapes.
Create wide, narrow, curled, and twisted body shapes by curling and stretching.
Transfer weight from one body part to another in self-space with both narrow and curled body shapes.
Balance on different bases of support, combining levels and shapes.
Differentiate among twisting, curling, bending, and stretching actions.
Transition weight from various bases of support by:
Transferring weight from feet to different body parts while maintaining balance.
Rolling in different directions with both a narrow and curled body shape.
Balance on different bases of support, demonstrating muscular tension and extensions of body parts.
Move into and out of curling, twisting, and stretching positions.
Transfer weight from feet to hands for momentary weight support both individually and in various partner stunts and counter balance.
Balance on different bases of support in multiple levels and shapes while utilizing a variety of equipment.
Create sequences using curling, twisting, and stretching actions.
Combine traveling with balance and weight transfers to create a sequence with or without equipment.
Combine balance and transferring weight in a sequence or dance with a partner.
Perform curling, twisting, and stretching actions with correct application in dance, individual, partner, and small group activities.
Transfer weight in movement patterns by combining actions and balances to create a sequence with a partner, with or without equipment.