Give examples of how substance abuse can increase the likelihood of other health risk behaviors.
Give examples of how substance abuse can increase the likelihood of other health risk behaviors.
This site is a collection of short videos warning viewers of the dangers of drinking and driving. This Buzzed Driving Prevention campaign effort prompts people to examine their own warning signs of impairment and take responsibility for their decisions behind the wheel by reminding them: If you need to do something to make yourself feel okay to drive, you're not okay to drive.
Give examples of how substance abuse can increase the likelihood of other health risk behaviors.
Analyze how some health risk behaviors can influence the likelihood of engaging in unhealthy behaviors.
Develop a thoughtful decision-making process in health-related situations.
Analyze how health risk behaviors in the local school and community are influenced by family, peers and other factors.
Identify decision-making skills used in situations that put adolescents and teens at risk.