Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

Imperialism/Crash Course World History

Subject Area

Social Studies




John Green teaches you about European Imperialism in the 19th century. European powers started to create colonial empires way back in the 16th century, but businesses really took off in the 19th century, especially in Asia and  Africa. During the 1800s, European powers carved out spheres of influence in China, India, and pretty much all of Africa. While all of the major (and some minor) powers in Europe participated in this new imperialism, England was by far the most dominant, once able to claim that the "sun never set on the British Empire." Also, they went to war for the right to continue to sell opium to the people of China--twice. John will teach you how these empires managed to leverage the advances of the Industrial Revolution to build vast, wealth-generating empires. As it turns out, improved medicine, steam engines, and better guns were crucial in the 19th-century conquests. Also, the willingness to exploit and abuse the people and resources of so-called "primitive" nations was very helpful in the whole enterprise.

**Sensitive: This resource contains material that may be sensitive for some students. Teachers should exercise discretion in evaluating whether this resource is suitable for their class.

    Social Studies (2010) Grade(s): 9 - World History


    Describe the impact of European nationalism and Western imperialism as forces of global transformation, including the unification of Italy and Germany, the rise of Japan’s power in East Asia, economic roots of imperialism, imperialist ideology, colonialism and national rivalries, and United States’ imperialism.

    Unpacked Content



    • European nationalism
    • Western imperialism
    • colonialism
    • national rivalries


    Students know:
    • How to describe the global impact of European nationalism and Western imperialism.


    Students are able to:
    • Use a variety of types of maps, identify countries and regions that were colonized and/or colonizers.
    • Examine and analyze historical evidence, using a variety of types of primary resources.


    Students understand that:
    • Nationalism and imperialism impacted countries and societies around the world during the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.
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    Video resources: includes closed captioning or subtitles

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