Attempt to hop, gallop, jog, run, slide, skip, jump, and leap while maintaining balance.
Attempt to hop, gallop, jog, run, slide, skip, jump, and leap while maintaining balance.
Looking for Locomotor Skills GIFs? This folder contains GIFS that you can use as you wish along with the video version and a Slides file with all GIFs embedded. Make a copy and edit as needed! This resource can be used when demonstrating hopping, galloping, and sliding.
Attempt to hop, gallop, jog, run, slide, skip, jump, and leap while maintaining balance.
Demonstrate correct form for hopping, galloping, and sliding.
Perform jumping and landing actions with balance.
Demonstrate correct form for skipping.
Demonstrate correct form for jogging and running.
Demonstrate correct form for leaping.
Travel showing differentiation in pacing when jogging and running.
Use correct form for jumping and landing.