Attempt underhand and overhand throw.
Attempt underhand and overhand throw.
Hoop Rally is a game that is a great lead up to 4-square or Spikeball. The objective is to continue to hit the ball into the hula hoop while attempting to prevent your opponent from being able to return it back into the hula hoop. This learning activity can be used during a lesson in volleyball. The learning activity includes embedded videos and links to other resources.
Attempt underhand and overhand throw.
Attempt to catch a dropped ball from varying heights.
Throw underhand and overhand with hand/foot opposition.
Catch various sizes of soft objects from a self-toss before they hit the ground.
Throw underhand and overhand, demonstrating correct form with hand/ foot opposition.
Catch a self-tossed or well-thrown object with hands, not trapping or cradling against the body.
Demonstrate volleying lightweight objects with partner.
Demonstrate volleying a ball with an underhand and overhand technique with a partner.
Demonstrate volleying a ball using a two-hand overhead and underhand technique, sending it upwards toward a target.
Demonstrate volleying a ball with a two-hand overhead and underhand technique, in a dynamic environment.