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Classroom Resource

The Progressives

Subject Area

Social Studies




This video from Khan Academy gives an overview of the early twentieth century which saw a huge number of Progressive reform movements.  The Progressive reform movements aimed to improve labor, sanitation, conservation, voting rights, and morality. This video compares the goals and effects of the Progressive reform movement.  This video can be played to introduce the Progressive Movement.  The video is 7 minutes and 33 seconds in length.

    Social Studies (2010) Grade(s): 11 - United States History II


    Evaluate social and political origins, accomplishments, and limitations of Progressivism. [A.1.a., A.1.b., A.1.c., A.1.d., A.1.e., A.1.f., A.1.i., A.1.k.]

    Unpacked Content



    • textual evidence
    • evaluate
    • cite
    • Progressivism
    • muckraker
    • trust
    • antitrust
    • suffrage
    • temperance movement
    • civil rights
    • trust-busting
    • conservation


    Students know:
    • The social, economic, and political origins, accomplishments, and limitations of the Progressive.
    • The impact of the Populist Movement on the role of the federal government in American society.
    • The impact of muckrakers on public opinion during the Progressive movement, including Upton Sinclair, Jacob A. Riis, and Ida M. Tarbell.
    • The influence and impact of social movements, including: women's suffrage, temperance movement, and civil rights for African-Americans.
    • The influence of specific social groups and influential individuals on the Progressive Era, including: Ida B. Wells-Barnett, the Niagara Movement, the National *Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), Booker T. Washington, W. E. B. Du Bois, Marcus Garvey, and Carter G. Woodson.
    • National legislation affecting the Progressive movement, including the Sherman Antitrust Act and the Clayton Antitrust Act.
    • The significance of the public education movement initiated by Horace Mann.
    • The impact of the presidential leadership of Theodore Roosevelt, William Howard Taft, and Woodrow Wilson in obtaining passage of measures regarding trust-busting, the Hepburn Act, the Pure Food and Drug Act, the Federal Trade Commission, the Federal Reserve Act, and conservation.


    Students are able to:
    • Effectively evaluate the complexities, origins, limitations, accomplishments and affects of social and political movements such as the Progressive and Populist Movements.
    • Evaluate the influence of prominent individuals and groups from specific historical time periods on public opinion, social and political movements, and national legislation.
    • Explain national legislation that was influence by and that affected social and political movements.
    • Assess the significance of the public education movement initiated by Horace Mann.
    • Compare the presidential leadership during specific historical periods.
    • Analyze primary and secondary historical sources.
    • Cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of primary and secondary sources.


    Students understand that:
    • There were political, economic, and social origins, accomplishments, and limitations of the Progressive Era and these have impacted American society through the present.
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    Khan Academy


    Video resources: includes closed captioning or subtitles

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