Attempt to hop, gallop, jog, run, slide, skip, jump, and leap while maintaining balance.
Attempt to hop, gallop, jog, run, slide, skip, jump, and leap while maintaining balance.
This is a free resource from PE Central. The purpose of this activity is to have students practice locomotor skills and moving safely in general space.
This alignment results from the ALEX Health/PE COS Resource Alignment Summit.
Attempt to hop, gallop, jog, run, slide, skip, jump, and leap while maintaining balance.
Demonstrate the difference between movement in personal and general space while attempting to maintain self-control.
In general space with varying speeds.
Attempting directionality concepts.
Demonstrate correct form for hopping, galloping, and sliding.
Demonstrate moving in personal and general space while maintaining self-control, in response to designated class expectations.
Demonstrate correct form for skipping.
Demonstrate correct form for jogging and running.