

Students know:
  • the tangible products that are important to their life and culture.
  • the tangible products that are important to the target language life and culture.


Students are able to:
Novice Mid Level
  • list common target language cultural products such as paintings, songs, and foods.
  • watch video clips or music videos and identify cultural products.
  • describe basic craft products from target language countries.
Novice High Level
Students are able to:
  • list common target language cultural products such as paintings, songs, and foods.
  • watch video clips or music videos and identify cultural products.
  • describe basic craft products from target language countries.
  • investigate the relationship between cultural products and perspectives.


Students understand that:
  • an ability to communicate in another language fosters a better.
  • understanding of my own language and culture.
  • custom and tradition vary within a culture, as well as between cultures.
  • other understandings will vary according to theme being taught.