- Byzantine Empire
- Constantine
- Justinian
- Theodora
- Eastern Orthodox Church
- Justinian Law Code
- Hagia Sophia
- Christianity
- Western Roman Catholic Church
- Byzantine Church
- icons
- excommunicate
- missionary
Students know:
- The factors that led to the rise of the Byzantine Empire examples of Byzantine influences on art, culture, religion, architecture, and law.
- The influence of major political leaders, including Emperors Constantine and Justinian
- The factors leading to the establishment of the Eastern Orthodox Church.
Students are able to:
- Understand textual evidence of primary and secondary sources.
- Locate places on a map.
- Identify the effects of religious beliefs and practices on societies.
- Determine how governmental policies impact an empire. Analyze the long-term impact of specific aspects of a culture.
Students understand that:
- The Byzantine Empire influenced art, culture, religion, architecture, and law.