

  • economic impact
  • cultural impact
  • Age of Discovery
  • patrons (King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella)
  • explorers (Christopher Columbus, Ponce de Leon, Hernando de Soto)
  • early settlements (St. Augustine, Quebec, Jamestown)
  • Columbian Exchange


Students know:
  • The economic and cultural impacts on European society and American Indians by European exploration during the Age of Discovery.
  • The significant early patrons and explorers.
  • The development and impact of the Columbian Exchange.


Students are able to:
  • Identify the geography of North America.
  • Discuss the discoveries of Columbus and the exploration and conquests of Pizarro and Cortes.
  • Explain the economic and cultural impact of European exploration during the Age of Discovery upon European society and American Indians.
  • Identify significant early European patrons, explorers, and their country of origin.
  • Locate significant early European settlements in the New World.
  • Map the Columbian exchange.
  • Explain how science, technology, and economic factors have developed, changed and affected societies throughout history.
  • Explain how religious and philosophical ideas have been powerful forces throughout history.


Students understand that:
  • European exploration connected the old world to the new world creating both positive and negative changes across the globe.