
  • suffrage
  • disenfranchisement
  • Seneca Falls Convention
  • suffragettes
  • 15th Amendment
  • 19th Amendment
  • 24th Amendment
  • 26th Amendment
  • Jim Crow
  • grandfather clause
  • literacy test
  • poll tax
  • Voting Rights Act of 1965
  • Motor Voter Law of 1995


Students know:
  • Plight of minority groups to gain suffrage rights, including women, African-Americans, non-property owners, and persons eighteen years of age.
  • Key constitutional amendments and laws that have allowed for the expansion of the right to vote.
  • Key obstacles imposed during the Jim Crow era to limit suffrage rights.
  • Key events in the Civil Rights Movement that led to the expansion of suffrage rights.


Students are able to:
  • Place in chronological order the acquiring of suffrage rights for various minority groups.
  • Connect key amendments and laws to their impact on the expansion of suffrage.
  • Analyze charts and graphs of voter turnout by various minority groups over time and who these groups voted for.


Students understand that:
  • The right to vote has not been guaranteed to all citizens throughout American history but has been gradually expanded to Americans over time and that the expansion of the right to vote has shifted party alliances and campaign strategies.