

  • Spanish-American War
  • imperialism
  • annexation
  • global role


Students know:
  • The internal and external factors that resulted in changes in America's role as a world power during the early 20th Century. Factors that lead to the Spanish-American War and the consequences of the war.
  • Theodore Roosevelt's involvement in the Spanish-American War and its role in his popularity and involvement in politics.
  • Social, political, and economic causes for the United State's involvement in the Hawaiian Islands.
  • The contributions of Alabama and Alabamians to the United States between Reconstruction and World War I.
  • Consequences of political policies, such as the Open Door policy and the Roosevelt Corollary on American economic and geographic interests.
  • Policies and leadership of American presidents during the early 20th Century.


Students are able to:
  • Describe the internal and external factors that result in changes in the development of a specific country during a specific time period and the consequences of these changes.
  • Evacuate factors that lead to war and the consequences of the war.
  • Discuss the effects of popularity on political power.
  • Analyze the social, political, and economic causes for the United State's involvement in other countries and regions.
  • Appraise the contributions of Alabama and Alabamians to the United States during specific historical periods.
  • Evaluate the consequences of political policies, such as the Open Door policy and the Roosevelt Corollary on American economic and geographic interests.
  • Compare the policies and leadership of influential political, economic, and social leaders.
  • Analyze primary and secondary sources.
  • Cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of primary and secondary sources.


Students understand that:
  • There were many causes and consequences of the changes in the United States' role as it became a global power during the early 20th Century.