

  • dynamics
  • emergence
  • nationalism


Students know:
  • The influence of improved transportation systems on economic nationalism during the Era of Good Feelings.
  • The importance of Henry Clay's American System on the economics of this time period.
  • Causes and effects of the growth of slavery and the corresponding emergence of the plantation system.
  • Causes and effects of the beginning of industrialism in the Northeast.


Students are able to:
  • Use primary sources to analyze the dynamics of economic nationalism during the Era of Good Feelings.
  • Use maps to identify and trace internal improvements that were made during the Era of Good Feelings as a result of Henry Clay's American System.
  • Analyze primary resources to understand the causes for the growth of slavery and the corresponding emergence of the plantation system.


Students understand that:
  • Economic nationalism during the years of the "Era of Good Feelings" corresponded to an increase in sectionalism in the United States.