

  • compare
  • identify
  • analyze
  • past
  • present
  • communication
  • apparel
  • technology
  • recreation
  • primary sources


Students know:
  • Changes occur from past to present and can compare these changes.
  • Communication, apparel, technology, recreation, and primary sources show forms of change over time.
  • Individuals and groups in the local community and throughout Alabama provide information about changes in everyday life.
  • Vocabulary: past, present, communication, apparel, technology, recreation


Students are able to:
  • Compare past and present forms of communication, apparel, technology, and recreation using primary sources in the local community and throughout Alabama.
  • Analyze pictures from the past to the present.
  • Write and speak about individuals and groups that lived in the past compared to those of the present.


Students understand that:
  • People in Alabama and the local community lived differently from past to present in areas such as communication, apparel, technology, recreation, and primary sources.