
  • scalability
  • reliability
  • bandwidth
  • load
  • delay
  • fault tolerance
  • redundancy
  • latency
  • domain name
  • Domain Name System (DNS) server
  • IP address
  • DNS name resolution
  • networking protocols
  • layers
  • packets


Students know:
  • how routers, switches, servers, network topology, packets, and IP addressing affect scalability and reliability of networks.
  • how to describe the issues that impact network functionality.
  • that the DNS server function is to turn a user
  • friendly domain name into an IP address that machines use to identify each other on a network.
  • that the DNS server manages a database that maps domain names to IP addresses.
  • the typical format of an IP address.
  • computers communicate the IP address in binary form.
  • that networking protocols are formal standards and policies that include procedures, formats and rules the define how two or more devices will communicate over a network.
  • there are several broad types of networking protocols including network communication protocols such as TCP/IP and HTTP, networking security protocols such as HTTPS and SSL, and network management protocols such as SNMP and ICMP.


Students are able to:
  • describe the relationships of routers, switches, servers, network topology, packets, and IP addressing.
  • describe scalability and reliability of networks.
  • describe issues that impact network functionality.
  • explain the purpose of IP addresses.
  • identify what a typical IP address look like.
  • explain the difference between IP addresses expressed in decimal format and binary format.
  • explain how domain names are resolved to IP addresses through a DNS server.
  • explain the significance of networking protocols.
  • provide examples of common networking protocols.
  • explain the uses of different networking protocols.


Students understand that:
  • scalability and reliability of networks are dependent on relationships between routers, switches, servers, network topology, packets, and IP addressing, etc.
  • network functionality is impacted by bandwidth, load, delay, latency, firewalls, server capacity, etc.
  • an Internet Protocol address is a unique identifying number for every machine on the internet.
  • the DNS server manages a massive database that maps user
  • friendly domain names to an IP address.
  • networking protocols are needed to define rules for communication between network devices.
  • networking protocols include Internet protocols (IP, TCP, HTTP, FTP, SMTP, etc.), wireless network protocols (Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, LTE), and network routing protocols (OSPF, BGP, etc.).
  • networking security protocols, such as HTTPS and SSL, provide security over network communications.
  • network management protocols, such as SNMP and ICMP, provide network governance and maintenance.