

  • Describe/ demonstrate recurring movement phrases and discuss why they are used in dance.
  • Identify qualities of movement that enhance the artistic intent of a dance in a specific style or cultural practice.
  • Use dance terminology to describe how certain movements help tell a story in a dance.
  • Create criteria that makes a dance artistic and meaningful. Relate the criteria to the elements of dance.

Essential Questions

EU: Perceive and analyze artistic work.
EQ: How is dance understood?

Skills Examples

  • Discuss how the motion of rowing a boat could be used in a dance about boats or traveling by water.
  • Perform a dance phrase exemplifying a mother rocking her baby multiple times in a dance to communicate a nurturing environment.
  • View Jose Limon's There is a Time with its recurring circles in a relation to the cycles of time.
  • Use a Venn diagram to compare and contrast a dance that the students are familiar with and a dance that are not familiar (i.e., cupid shuffle and the African Highlife).
  • Watch a clip from the ballet Sleeping Beauty and discuss what movements are performed that tell the audience she falls asleep.
  • Discuss as a class what qualities make a good dance, create a class rubric and use the rubric to evaluate a professional dance work.

Anchor Standards

Anchor Standard 7: Perceive and analyze artistic work.