

  • cite evidence
  • support your view
  • put together
  • mash-up
Central idea
  • What the piece is mostly about
  • theme
artistic & design skills
  • creativity
  • problem solving
  • creative talent
technical skills
  • proficiency with computers
  • video & audio recording & editing equipment
career skills
  • good communication, writing, researching and editing skills

Essential Questions

EU: Media artists integrate various forms and contents to develop complex, unified artworks.
EQ: How are complex media arts experiences constructed?

Skills Examples

  • Choose a media arts product and by responding to teacher questions, justify how diverse contents and forms support a central idea.
  • In a creative team with assigned roles, use creative thinking to choose a topic for a media arts project that combines two art forms and has been revised at least twice. The project will reflect formal technique according to a provided rubric with a clear attempt to problem-solve in production journals.
  • Create a media arts product that addresses a specific problem at school and revise the plan and process at least twice based on constraints.
  • In a creative team with assigned roles, explore the tools available in the classroom in both a standard and novel way and adapt the tools available to construct a media arts product.
  • After listing tasks needed for a presentation and distribution of a media arts product, complete each task and evaluate performance with a given rubric.
  • After sharing a media arts product with a younger group of students, debrief with the teacher about the results and improvements that could be made for the presentation.

Anchor Standards

Anchor Standard 4: Select, analyze, and interpret artistic work for presentation.