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  • Contextual Reading
  • Characterization
  • Dramaturgy
  • Using information in plays to inspire design choices.
  • Using technology to influence design and prepare students for career pathways.
  • Using historical facts and images for ideas and inspiration
  • Using cultural facts and images for ideas and inspiration.

Theatrical Hierarchy and how it works in the classroom.

Essential Questions

EU: Theatre Artists rely on intuition, curiosity and critical inquiry.
EQ: What happens when Theatre artists use their imagination and/or learned theatre skills while engaging in creative exploration and inquiry?

Skills Examples

  • Students will design the set, sound effects or costumes for the play To Kill A Mockingbird. They will use historical images of that time period to create the visual aspects of the play.
  • Students will participate in a lecture on the history of Technical Theatre. They will pick a time period and design a set, lighting, sound or costume design using only the tools available in that time period.
  • Students will create a visual character board for the character that they are representing in a class play or assigned monologue.
  • Students will write a scene. They will break into roles of Director, Actors, Designers and Writer.
  • Students will use their written scenes in rehearsal. Designers will use provided supplies to create a set for their scene.
  • Students will memorize lines, make character choices, perform for the director for notes and finish creating their set.

Anchor Standards

Anchor Standard 1: Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work.