Theatrical production
- original work
- tone
- at rest
- posture
- open movements
- exaggerated movement
- stage directions
Theatrical production
- theater etiquette
Essential Questions
EU: Theatre artists share and present stories, ideas, and envisioned worlds to explore the human experience.
EQ: What happens when theatre artists and audiences share a creative experience?
EQ: What happens when theatre artists and audiences share a creative experience?
Skills Examples
- Create an original dramatic/ theatrical work.
- Modify the dialogue in the original work to change the story. (e.g., modify changing the character's motivations, goals, setting, or audience).
- Modify the action in the original work to change the story (e.g., change the outcome, tone, theme, or conflict).
- Make physical choices to develop a character in a dramatic/ theatrical work by using theater games such as "Who Wears This Hat?" Questions to consider: How do characters hold their faces when at rest? What is their posture? Are they open and expressive with their gestures or timid and small? How do they walk? Do they have an ailment or something embarrassing that affect the way they move? etc.
- Practice theater exercises/ games that can be used in a group setting for a dramatic/ theatrical work. Teach stage directions with games such as "Minefield" and focus and ensemble building with games such as "Do You Love Your Neighbor?"
- Propose the use of technical elements in a dramatic/ theatrical work (e.g., props, costumes and/or makeup, sets, etc.).
- Share small-group dramatic/ theatrical work with peers as an audience. Audience should follow proper theater etiquette.
- Reflect on the experience as actors and audience.
Anchor Standards
Anchor Standard 6: Convey meaning through the presentation of artistic work.