

  • Videos
  • Real
  • Imaginary
  • Puppetry
  • Gesture
  • Sets
  • Props
Theatrical production
  • Rehearse

Essential Questions

EU: Theatre artists make strong choices to effectively convey meaning.
EQ: Why are strong choices essential to interpreting a drama or theatre piece?

Skills Examples

  • Brainstorm ideas for artistic works for presentations by examining the characters who students find most relatable.
  • Compare characters seen in a chosen artistic work to a certain animal. Ask what animal that character resembles. Students should be able to articulate this characterization to the best of their ability.
  • Identify the setting for a chosen artistic work (coloring sheets, games, matching, etc.).
  • Identify the characters for a chosen artistic work (coloring sheets, games, matching costume to character, etc.).
  • Discuss the importance of speaking loudly and clearly when performing.
  • Refine artistic techniques by experimenting with color choices, costume choices, and lighting choices in a chosen artistic work.
  • Explore and articulate information about characters for a chosen artistic work, focusing on the importance of voice and sound.
  • Collaborate to determine how characters should speak in the artistic work by improvising dialogue and the specific traits of various characters' voices (i.e., pitch, speed, volume).
  • Participate in vocal exploration (perhaps by using vocal exercises and theater games) in improvised or scripted dramatic/ theatrical work.
  • Use learned vocal and sound techniques to perform a chosen work.
  • View a performance and articulate the differences between participating as an artist and participating as an audience member. (The teacher should ask questions such as: As an artist, how do you think the audience should act? As an audience member, what do you want from the artist?)
  • Students observe or participate in a dramatic/ theatrical work with appropriate behavior (e.g., applauding, remaining attentive, avoiding distracting behaviors, etc.).
  • Make design choices to support a improvised or scripted work.
  • Make technical choices to support a improvised or scripted work.

Anchor Standards

Anchor Standard 4: Select, analyze, and interpret artistic work for presentation.