

  • End-to-end
  • Component-wise
  • Parallelogram Rule
  • Sum of Two Vectors
  • Additive Inverse
  • Vector Subtraction


Students know:
  • The aspects of end-to-end, componentwise, and the parallelogram rule involving vectors.
  • The additive inverse of a vector has the same magnitude but the opposite direction.


Students are able to:
  • Draw and find the diagonal of a parallelogram.
  • Represent vectors on an xy-plane.
  • Find the components of a vector given the direction and magnitude.
  • Find the additive inverse of a vector.


Students understand that:
  • There are multiple ways to find the sum and difference of a pair of vectors.
  • The magnitude of the sum of two vectors will not be the same as the sum of the magnitudes unless the vectors are in the same direction.
  • The vector with the larger magnitude will have the greatest effect on the result.