
  • Units
  • Scales
  • Descriptive modeling
  • Justify
  • Interpret
  • Identify
  • Quantities
  • Dimensional analysis
  • Formulas
  • Scale
  • Consistency
  • Precise
  • Accuracy
  • Margin of error
  • Perimeter
  • Volume
  • Area
  • Direct measurement


Students know:
  • Techniques for dimensional analysis,
  • Uses of technology in producing graphs of data.
  • Criteria for selecting different displays for data (e.g., knowing how to select the window on a graphing calculator to be able to see the important parts of the graph.
  • Descriptive models .
  • Attributes of measurements including precision and accuracy and techniques for determining each.


Students are able to:
  • Choose the appropriate known conversions to perform dimensional analysis to convert units.
  • Correctly use graphing window and other technology features to precisely determine features of interest in a graph.
  • Determine when a descriptive model accurately portrays the phenomenon it was chosen to model.
  • Justify their selection of model and choice of quantities in the context of the situation modeled and critique the arguments of others concerning the same situation.
  • Determine and distinguish the accuracy and precision of measurements.


Students understand that:
  • The relationships of units to each other and how using a chain of conversions allows one to reach a desired unit or rate.
  • Different models reveal different features of the phenomenon that is being modeled.
  • Calculations involving measurements can't produce results more accurate than the least accuracy in the original measurements.
  • The margin of error in a measurement, (often expressed as a tolerance limit), varies according to the measurement, tool used, and problem context.