

  • Constraints
  • System of equations
  • System of inequalities
  • Solutions
  • Feasible region
  • viable and non
  • viable options
  • linear
  • quadratic
  • Exponential
  • Absolute value
  • linear piecewise
  • Profit
  • Boundary
  • Closed half plane
  • Open half plane
  • Half plane
  • Consistent
  • Inconsistent
  • Dependent
  • Independent
  • Region


Students know:
  • When a particular system of two variable equations or inequalities accurately models the situation presented in a contextual problem,
  • Which points in the solution of a system of linear inequalities need to be tested to maximize or minimize the variable of interest.


Students are able to:
  • Graph equations and inequalities involving two variables on coordinate axes.
  • Identify the region that satisfies both inequalities in a system.
  • Identify the point(s) that maximizes or minimizes the variable of interest in a system of inequalities.
  • Test a mathematical model using equations, inequalities, or a system against the constraints in the context and interpret the solution in this context.


Students understand that:
  • A symbolic representation of relevant features of a real-world problem can provide for resolution of the problem and interpretation of the situation and solution.
  • Representing a physical situation with a mathematical model requires consideration of the accuracy and limitations of the model.