
  • angular position
  • rotational inertia
  • center of gravity
  • model
  • graph
  • force
  • rotational motion
  • circular motion
  • torque
  • lever arm
  • angle
  • radian
  • circumference
  • diameter
  • radius
  • arc
  • angular momentum
  • angular velocity
  • angular acceleration
  • angle of rotation
  • distance
  • perpendicular
  • system
  • clockwise
  • counterclockwise
  • equilibrium
  • translational equilibrium
  • rotational equilibrium
  • axis of rotation
  • center of mass
  • Newton's laws
  • tangential
  • moment of inertia
  • free body diagram


Students know:
  • How to identify the system.
  • Apply Newton's Second Law of Motion.
  • What rotational inertia is and how it affects the motion of a rotating object.


Students are able to:
  • Draw rigid body diagrams.
  • Solve for net force.
  • Extrapolate their understanding of a physical illustration of a phenomenon (e.g., spinning figure skater, merry-go-round) to an intangible example of the same phenomenon (e.g., rapidly spinning pulsar, supernova).
  • Follow written and verbal instructions.


Students understand that:
  • Objects in rotational motion experience varied changes in motion depending upon their rotational inertia and the net force acting upon them.

Scientific and Engineering Practices

Analyzing and Interpreting Data

Crosscutting Concepts

Systems and System Models