
  • physical properties
  • melting point
  • boiling point
  • solubility
  • phase-change diagrams
  • Atomic/ molecular level
  • Macroscopic level
  • Particles
  • ions
  • atoms
  • molecules
  • networked materials (like graphite)
  • Intermolecular/ electrical forces
  • System


Students know:
  • As kinetic energy is added to a system, the forces of attraction between particles can no longer keep the particles close together.
  • Patterns of interactions between particles at the molecular level are reflected in the patterns of behavior at the macroscopic scale.
  • Patterns observed at multiple levels (macroscopic, atomic/ molecular/ particulate) can provide evidence of the causal relationships between the strength of the electrical forces between particles and the structure of the substance at the macroscopic level.


Students are able to:
  • Analyze and interpret data to describe why properties provide information about the strength of electrical forces between the particles of chosen substances, including phase-change diagrams.


Students understand that:
  • Data is analyzed using tools, technologies, and/ or models (e.g., computational, mathematical) in order to make valid and reliable scientific claims.
  • The structure and interactions of matter at the macroscopic level are determined by electrical forces within and between atoms.
  • Different patterns may be observed at each of the levels at which a system is studied and can provide evidence for causality in explanations of phenomena.

Scientific and Engineering Practices

Analyzing and Interpreting Data

Crosscutting Concepts

Energy and Matter