- Explore
- Manipulate
- Cause and Effect
- Electrical Interactions
- Magnetic Interactions
- Magnet
- Repel
- Attract
Students know:
- The size of the force can affect the electrical and magnetic interaction of two objects not in contact with one another.
- The orientation of magnets can affect the magnetic interaction of two objects not in contact with one another.
- The repulsion or attraction of magnets can affect the magnetic interaction of two objects not in contact with one another.
- The presence of a magnet and the force the magnet exerts on other objects affects the magnetic force of two objects not in contact with one another.
- The electrical charge of an object can affect the electrical force of two objects not in contact with one another.
Students are able to:
- Explore electrical interactions between two objects not in contact with one another.
- Explore magnetic interactions between two objects not in contact with one another.
- Determine cause-and-effect relationships of electrical interactions between two objects not in contact with one another.
- Determine cause-and-effect relationships of magnetic interactions not in contact with one another.
Students understand that:
- Cause and effect relationships are routinely identified, tested, and used to explain change.
- Magnetic and electrical forces affect the way objects interact.
Scientific and Engineering Practices
Asking Questions and Defining Problems
Crosscutting Concepts
Cause and Effect