Arts Education (2017) Grade(s): 7 - Visual Arts


Analyze how the method of display and the location of an artwork influence how it is perceived and valued.

Unpacked Content

Essential Questions

EU: Individual aesthetic and empathetic awareness developed through engagement with art can lead to understanding and appreciation of self, others, the natural world, and constructed environments.
EQ: How do life experiences the way you relate to art? How does learning about art impact how we perceive the world? What can we learn from our responses to art?

Skills Examples

  • Examine how personal aesthetic criteria and values are influenced by geography, culture, and history, and explain how such preferences impact our perceptions of and response to artworks on display.
  • Examine and explain how artworks that are designed for display in particular contexts and that serve specific purposes are perceived and valued by their intended audiences.
  • Use one's understanding of visual arts genres and the styles of various artists, cultures, places, and times to analyze how stylistic, thematic, and/or technical content of artworks is selected and used to influence the intended audience.
  • Demonstrate presentation and responding processes, with attention to applying one's understanding of ideas, skills, and techniques of visual arts.
  • Explore how artists express feelings and present original ideas by using visual arts symbols in a variety of genres, styles, and media.
  • Demonstrate a responding process, with particular attention to using the elements and foundations of visual arts when evaluating a work of art.


  • Artistic processes
  • Various approaches to art making
  • Artist statement
  • Copyright Laws
  • Fair Use Responsibility
  • Plagiarize
  • Reflecting
  • Revising
  • Audience and Purpose
  • Critique
  • Visual Organization
  • Context
  • Technology
  • Mount

Anchor Standards

Anchor Standard 7: Perceive and analyze artistic work.