Arts Education (2017) Grade(s): 09-12 - Theatre


Explore how personal beliefs and biases can affect the interpretation of research data applied in drama/theatre work.

Unpacked Content

Essential Questions

EU: Theatre artists critically inquire into the ways others have thought about and created drama processes and productions to inform their own work.
EQ: In what ways can research into theatre histories, theories, literature, and performances alter the way a drama process or production is understood?

Skills Examples

  • Students will study African Culture. They will learn how to do African Dancing, Drumming and Storytelling. Students will study the differences and similarities of their culture and traditional African culture. Students will perform a play based on what they have learned about another culture.
  • Students will learn about the folk tales or oral history of their city or town. They will write a play based on their town's history. Students will rehearse and perform their play for families and their community.
  • Students will study the play Hairspray. They will study the time period, cultural issues and impact that the play has had on their perception. Students will write an article (review or summary) about what they have learned in their study of the play.


  • using historical information to create plays
  • using history and articles to create characters and technical theatre spots
  • How does oral storytelling transition to playwriting
  • How does the traditional folktale/ fairytale translate to a modern audience
  • IPA
  • scoring the script
  • dance for the actor
  • Yoga for the actor
  • the responsibility of representing characters in history or historical events
  • Strasburg
  • Uta Hagan
  • Abstract design for historical plays
  • Costume design and production
  • Sound production
Theatrical production
  • Serving the production
  • Accurately representing another culture
  • celebration of culture rather than appropriation of a culture

Anchor Standards

Anchor Standard 11: Relate artistic ideas and works with societal, cultural, and historical context to deepen understanding.