Arts Education (2017) Grade(s): 7 - Theatre


Identify the aesthetics of the production elements in a drama/theatre work.

COS Examples

Example: Recall size, shape, and color choices made by the scenic designer of a production.

Unpacked Content

Essential Questions

EU: Theatre artists apply criteria to investigate, explore, and assess drama and theatre work.
EQ: How are the theatre artist's processes and the audience's perspectives impacted by analysis and synthesis?

Skills Examples

  • Students will perform a scene with a partner. They will use their character analysis, play analysis, and period research to develop strong choices for their scene work. They will perform for the class. This lesson links back to previous in 7th grade.
  • Students will perform for each other. They will have an open oral critique of each performance. Students will openly discuss what worked for each scene and what was challenging. Students will learn how to critique in a positive way. Use the rubrics and suggested safe inviting classroom rules in the resources.
  • To explore cultural perspectives and personal beliefs, students will use Around the World in Eight Plays by Patrick Greene and Jason Pizzerello. It can be described as follows: Travel around the world and explore forgotten myths and unusual legends in eight fast-paced and hilarious tales! Guided by a band of roaming gypsies, the audience is transported from the ancient Far East, where a hero must kill a giant centipede to save a dragon king, to the Russian countryside, where a poor orphan must defeat three witches who stole his grandfather's eyes. Always quirky, and sometimes bizarre, these eight tales are filled with magic, mystery, and morals.
  • Students will use the above reference text and perform scenes, create costume and set designs, and create promotional materials. Students will be expected to rate each other's work and be able to use critical thinking to evaluate the processes.


Theatrical production

Skills Assessed
  • Make informed, critical evaluations of theatrical performances from an audience member and a participant point of view, and develop a framework for making informed theatrical choices.
  • Interpret constructive criticism and objective praise in order to improve upon one's work.
  • Use critical thinking skills in character analysis and performance.
  • Perceive and defend the quality of a theatrical work.
  • Evaluate elements of characterization.

Anchor Standards

Anchor Standard 9: Apply criteria to evaluate artistic work.