Arts Education (2017) Grade(s): 6 - Theatre


Recognize how acting exercises and techniques can be applied to a drama/theatre work.

Unpacked Content

Essential Questions

EU: Theatre artists develop personal processes and skills for a performance or design.
EQ: What can I do to fully prepare a performance or technical design?

Skills Examples

Personal Processes and Interpreting a Piece
  • Given a prompt, a small group of students improvise a scene to be staged within a designated time period. After the improvisation, students discuss ways to better communicate the group's interpretation.
  • Students then transform the improvisation into a written script that includes stage movements, sound and visual effects, and other details.
  • Students select a director, actors, and technicians; rehearse; and present the scene. After viewing a recording of their scene, students re-evaluate their effectiveness in achieving their intent, make revisions, and present their scene before the class, which then participates in the evaluative response.
  • This activity allows students to explore all aspects of the performance and has them evaluate themselves on camera to make changes and artistic choices.
Resources for Age Appropriate Plays for Improv Starters Reflections and Shared Experiences
  • By utilizing multiple groups, students will be allowed to be both performer and audience member. The students should keep an Actor's Notebook and have several prompts from the teacher being critical of the interactions between an audience and performer.
Resources for Journaling and Self Reflection


Theatrical production

Skills Assessed
  • The student improvises, writes, and rewrites monologues, scenes, and vignettes to convey predetermined intent and meaning. Student directors are accountable for small group presentations of a scene or vignette. The director is responsible for incorporating all aspects of a production into a unified whole.
  • This explores the concepts of production and design by taking the basics and forming a full production.

Anchor Standards

Anchor Standard 5: Develop and refine artistic techniques and work for presentation.