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Arts Education (2017) Grade(s): 5 - Theatre


Implement a plan to evaluate drama/theatre work.

COS Examples

Example: Use rubrics to rate or score performances.

Unpacked Content

Essential Questions

EU: Theatre artists apply criteria to investigate, explore, and assess drama and theatre work.
EQ: How are the theatre artist's processes and the audience's perspectives impacted by analysis and synthesis?

Skills Examples

  • Participate in or observe a dramatic/ theatrical work.
  • Reflect on artistic choices that reveal the purpose, mood, and theme of a dramatic/ theatrical piece.
  • Explain reactions to artistic choices made in the dramatic/ theatrical piece and justify response with evidence.
  • Participate in or observe a dramatic/ theatrical work which presents different cultures.
  • Respond to the differing cultures and explain personal responses to differences. Find commonalities amidst the differences.
  • Using theater games and observation, study the effects of emotions on posture.
  • Using theater game and observations, study the effects of emotions on gesture.
  • Using theater games and reflection, study the effects of emotions on breathing.
  • Using the theater games and reflection, study the effects of emotions on vocal intonation.
  • Transfer what has been learned through the study of emotion to study the effects of these skills on a dramatic/ theatrical work that a student has seen or in which the student has participated. Describe the effects of these skills on the piece.
  • Make or use a plan for evaluating a dramatic or theatrical work. Students should use accurate theater vocabulary to articulate the plan.
  • Watch or participate in a dramatic/ theatrical work.
  • Determine the theme of that dramatic/ theatrical work.
  • Implement the evaluation tool created in #11 in order to assess how the technical elements represent the theme of the work.
  • After watching or participating in a theatrical/dramatic. identify and enumerate what a character's given circumstances entail in the dramatic/ theatrical work. Include inferred inner thoughts of the character.
  • Identify various perspectives on the work (e.g., how the protagonist and antagonist might perceive the outcome; how a rich or poor, old or young person might differ in their perceptions of the piece).
  • Discuss how the character's given circumstances impact the audience's perspective.


  • justify
  • evidence
  • academic language
  • commonality
  • infer
  • breathing
  • intonation
  • posture
  • gesture
Theatrical production

Anchor Standards

Anchor Standard 9: Apply criteria to evaluate artistic work.