Arts Education (2017) Grade(s): 4 - Theatre


Respond to community and social issues and incorporate other content areas in drama/theatre work.

Unpacked Content

Essential Questions

EU: Theatre artists understand and can communicate their creative process as they analyze the way the world may be understood.
EQ: What happens when theatre artists allow an understanding of themselves and the world to inform perceptions about theatre and the purpose of their work?

Skills Examples

  • View one or more dramatic/ theatrical works that reflect the perspective of a particular community or culture in cartoons, advertisements, film, plays, etc.
  • Identify ways in which the piece reflects the perspective of a particular community or culture.
  • Identify community and social issues.
  • Identify student's perspective on the issues. Articulate perspective.
  • Use other content areas to inform student-created dramatic/ theatrical works in response to those issues. Students use at least one other content area (e.g., art, music for emphasis or emotion, literature for allusions or key phrases, history for story ideas and context, math for set design or story ideas, etc.) in their piece.
  • Research cross-cultural approaches to storytelling in dramatic/ theatrical works (e.g., ballads from the British Isles, hula, Chinese Shadow puppetry, Zajal, griot, etc.).
  • Identify the dramatic/ theatrical conventions of past historical periods. Define theatrical conventions and find examples in past historical periods (e.g. Renaissance, Restoration theater, miracle and morality play of the Middle Ages, realism, romanticism, etc.).
  • Identify the dramatic/ theatrical conventions of contemporary times (e.g., realism vs. highly stylized performances, breaking the fourth wall, political topics, narration, experimentation, use of multiple forms of media).
  • Compare and contrast the conventions of a past period with those of the present. It might be beneficial to use a Venn diagram or some other form of graphic organizer to organize similarities and differences.


  • content area
  • theater conventions
  • fourth wall
  • voice over
  • narration
  • media
Theatrical production
  • cartoon/ animation
  • advertisement
  • play

Anchor Standards

Anchor Standard 11: Relate artistic ideas and works with societal, cultural, and historical context to deepen understanding.