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Arts Education (2017) Grade(s): 1 - Theatre


Explain preferences and emotions in a guided drama experience or age-appropriate theatre performance.

Unpacked Content

Essential Questions

EU: Theatre artists' interpretations of drama/theatre work are influenced by personal experiences and aesthetics
EQ: How can the same work of art communicate different messages to different people?

Skills Examples

  • Have the students develop a list of rules for audience behavior and discuss the reason for each rule.
  • Make observations that explain why artistic choices were made in a guided drama experience (e.g., being able to explain how movement, props, and other technical elements affect mood).
  • Students observe or participate in a dramatic/ theatrical work with appropriate behavior (e.g., applauding, remaining attentive, avoiding distracting behaviors, etc.).
  • Describe emotions caused by viewing an age-appropriate theatre performance. Explain how these emotions reveal a personal preference (favorite show, favorite scene, favorite character, etc.).
  • Identify the motivations behind character actions.
  • Use pictures to describe how a character's emotions and actions may differ from personal emotions and actions.
  • Collaborate using an improvisation game to build on other's ideas.
  • Identify props and costumes that would best suit a certain character and/or play.
  • Use props and costumes to build a scene and character in an improvisation game.
  • Identify a character's emotions in a dramatic/ theatrical work (e.g., excitement by bouncing in a seat, anger in slamming a door or yelling, etc.).
  • Make connections between oneself and the character's emotions in a dramatic/ theatrical work (e.g., being able to connect the work to a personal memory or being able to explain how the student might respond similarly or differently in a similar situation in the student's own life).
  • Using a characterization chart, compare and contrast the actions of characters in a guided drama experience.


  • enunciation
  • motivation
Theatrical production

Anchor Standards

Anchor Standard 8: Interpret intent and meaning in artistic work.