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Arts Education (2017) Grade(s): 1 - Theatre


Collaborate with peers to conceptualize costumes and props in a guided drama experience.

Unpacked Content

Essential Questions

EU: Theatre Artists rely on intuition, curiosity and critical inquiry.
EQ: What happens when Theatre artists use their imagination and/or learned theatre skills while engaging in creative exploration and inquiry?

Skills Examples

  • Identify choices characters could make in a given situation (choose your own adventure story).
  • Articulate the best choice a character can make and explain why.
  • Collaborate to choose costumes for characters in a selected theatrical work. (Have students divide into groups to design a costume, and let the best costume win.)
  • Identify ways to communicate that do not require talking. Why do we use our hands when we talk? Should your characters do the same?
  • Collaborate and participate in improvisation games to determine how facial expressions and physical movements effect characterization.
  • Collaborate to create an improvised skit. (This can be done with the use of costumes and props.)
  • Identify the differences between characters in multiple dramatic/ theatrical works.
  • View a dramatic piece performed in multiple ways and discuss the differences.
  • Design a prop or costume for a potential scene and compare designs.


Theatrical production
  • skit

Anchor Standards

Anchor Standard 1: Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work.