Arts Education (2017) Grade(s): 06-12 - Music


Explain and support interpretations of the expressive intent and meaning of musical selections, citing as evidence the treatment of the elements of music, context (personal, social, and cultural), the setting of the text (when appropriate), and outside sources.

Unpacked Content

Essential Questions

EU: Through their use of elements and structures of music, creators and performers provide clues to their expressive intent.
EQ: How do we discern musical creators' and performers' expressive intent?

Skills Examples

  • Guitar: Demonstrate proficiency by using the following the following open chords while maintaining a quality tone: A, Am, A7, C, D, D7, E, Em, E7, G.
  • Piano: Play I IV V (or I, iv, V) chords (with inversions), hands separately or together.
  • Perform a varied repertoire of music while demonstrating technical accuracy, dynamic contrast with an emerging sense of musicality.
  • Create small ensembles to allow for a peer-evaluation process.
  • Perform a varied repertoire of music representing diverse genres and cultures and showing expression and technical accuracy at a level that includes changes in tempo, meter and key signature.
  • Identify and interpret music symbols and terms appropriately while sight-reading a varied repertoire of music.
  • Discuss current trends in music and their impact on today's society.
  • Create an appropriate melodic line and accompaniment and notate using a technology source.
  • Describe ways that technology has altered how humans create, perform and listen to music.
Reading/ Writing
  • Develop sight-reading benchmarks and growth goals in line with local guidelines.
  • Analyze tempo, dynamics and form in a given piece of music.
  • Identify accidentals, including flats, sharps, and naturals within selected repertoire.
  • Develop criteria based on the elements of music to support personal preferences for specific music works.
  • Compare and contrast selections using appropriate terminology.
Responding/ Evaluating
  • Examine performances of self and others to evaluate the quality and effectiveness while identifying areas for improvement.
  • Describe the tone or mood of a selection and identify musical elements within a piece of music that contribute to the overall mood.
  • Reflect on the relationship between music and the social and political events at various times in American history.
  • Reflect on various live or recorded performances.


  • Beat (strong and weak beats, backbeat, division/ subdivision)
  • Notes and Rests (dotted eighth, sixteenth)
  • Meter (duple, triple, and quadruple simple and compound meters [2/2, 2/4, 6/8; 3/2, 3/4, 9/8; 4/2, 4/4, 12/8], asymmetrical meters [5/4, 7/8, etc.])
  • Tempo (all standard Italian tempo terms, using the metronome to practice)
  • Other (triplet, swing eighths)
  • Scales (3 minor scale forms: natural, harmonic, melodic; relative and parallel minor)
  • Intervals (compound)
  • Staff Notation (double sharps and flats)
  • Melodic Figures (motive, theme, trill, passing tone)
  • Triads (suspended chords)
  • Seventh Chords (five qualities, four inversions, suspensions)
  • Function (all diatonic chord functions)
  • Cadences (half, authentic, deceptive)
  • Lead Sheets
  • Forms (AABA song form, verse, chorus, bridge, 12-bar blues, sonatina, rondo, theme and variations
  • Texture (homophonic, polyphonic)
  • Dynamics (all standard Italian terms, abbreviations, and symbols)
  • Articulation (all standard terms and symbols characteristic to the instrument)
  • Tempo and Changing Tempo (all standard Italian, English terms and abbreviations, exposure to French, German terms)
  • Character/ Style (all standard Italian and English terms, exposure to French and German terms)
  • Playing techniques/ practice techniques
  • Scales and Arpeggios
  • I-IV-V7-I/ i-iv-V7-i cadences
  • Improvisation (e.g., around circle of fifths)
  • Sight-Reading
  • Ensemble Playing
  • Repertoire, representative of various styles and style periods, memorized and performed

Anchor Standards

Anchor Standard 9: Apply criteria to evaluate artistic work.